21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Gary Forbes First Annual Strike Out Diabetes Bowling Extravaganza

The Strike Out Diabetes Bowling Extravaganza

At the age of 19, Gary Forbes was diagnosed with Diabetes . He initially kept the diagnosis a secret out of fear that it would affect his career prospect. He found a way to live a healthy lifestyle and became a great NBA player against the odds. Gary Forbes has devoted his charitable efforts to his foundation The Gary Forbes Foundation , which will aid people living with Diabetes .

On Thursday September 13, 2012  NBA Houston Rocket Gary Forbes held his first annual Strike Out Diabetes Bowling Extravaganza at Brooklyn Bowl in Williamsburg. Family , Friends , Athletes and supporters all came out to celebrate .  The event was Amazing. Great food, games, and Cool swag gift bags

                                                               Check out the Pictures 

To support this foundation Log on to :www.garyforbesfoundation.org
Kudos to our friend Gary Forbes for making a difference :)

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